¿Cómo ayudar en Montreal?  

Missionnaires de la Charité
2465, rue Champagne
Montreal, Québec,
Canada, H2K 2G9

The sisters of the Missionnairies of Charity in Montreal help homeless people and poor families. There are four sisters in the house. They prepare meals for people in need (poor or homeless) four times a week in the evenings of monday, wednesday, friday and sunday. People come at the house to eat their meal and also pray with the sisters. The MC sisters also go, every three weeks, on the streets, in poor areas of Montreal, to give meals to the homeless that are not always able to get to the house. They also go visit Shut-Ins.
The MC sisters also help children with their studying and by doing extracuricular activities with them after school. During the summer, they organise for the kids a day camp that lasts five weeks and starts in July.

The volunteers are welcome at the house, but usually don't sleep there. Volunteers can help in preparing and serving the meals or help taking care of the children.


Si necesitas más información Contacta con Josette O con Daniel